March 11, 2012

Wade is Learning!!

Since the start of enzymes and getting tubes placed in Wade's ears, I must say that a huge improvement has been made in Wade's development. He is taking off in speech/language, motor skills, and overall development. Below is a list of developmental milestones that Wade has accomplished:

  • Receptive Language--It's finally clear that Wade makes sense of what we are asking or saying. It started by me saying/signing "drink" while eating in his high chair. After seeing/hearing me, Wade searches for his cup, grabs it, and takes a drink. He also looks at the door if I ask, "Wade, who's here?". Another example is asking Wade if he can pat-a-cake (without me clapping my hands as a clue). He'll reply by clapping! He also understands bath time. When he's naked and I say, "Wade, let's take a bath," he walks straight to the bath tub full of excitement.
  • Expressive Language--After months of signing to Wade, he finally started signing back! His first sign was "more" but now it has turned into pointing at the cabinet full of snacks or pointing at my plate for more food. Wade also started signing "dog" every time he sees a dog in a book or in person. We're working on many more signs such as shoes, bath, drink, daddy, mommy, chicken, pig, fish, etc. In addition to signs, Wade finally started talking. Although he only has one word down ("kitty"), he is trying to say more things and sounds. He says "da-da" but he doesn't say it only around Adam. I'm still waiting for him to figure out the letter "m" so I can hear "mommy" for the first time. 
  • Motor Skills--As you may know from posting a video, Wade is now walking! In addition to this, he has learned how to stand up on his own. He's getting better and faster every day, as he practices all day long. Climbing is also fun for Wade, especially if he can climb on top of mommy or daddy. And, crawling is now a thing of the past.
  • Other--Other milestones and activities that Wade can do include playing "pat-a-cake" and clapping, waving bye-bye, giving kisses, nodding/shaking head (but not to say yes or no), and drinking from a cup.
We're so proud of our little guy for making such great progress. Below are some videos that capture these great moments.

1 comment:

  1. JENNI! I am just in awe of this entry. All glory to God. It's just incredible what a difference you're seeing already. Love you all lots!
