March 21, 2012

Appointment Last Week

Sorry for the late post, but W had an appointment up in St. Louis last week to see his GI doctor. My mom went with me for this visit and we stayed with friends the night before. Our day started early because he had a 7:30am appointment to get an ultrasound done of his liver. His liver enzymes had been elevated and they wanted to take a look at what was going on. Poor W had to fast for this procedure and he was not that cooperative when they did the ultrasound. It didn't hurt, but my little boy hates being held down. The ultrasound tech was able to perform the ultrasound, but then had to do doppler--which meant Wade had to be quiet. So, luckily she let him take a bottle during this, otherwise he wouldn't have been quiet.
Grandma and Wade playing in the waiting room.
We finished the ultrasound before 8:00am and had a huge gap in our day because our clinic appointment with the GI doctor wasn't until 1:30pm. We originally thought of going to some thrift stores in the area to pass our time, but since the weather was amazing we went to the St. Louis Zoo. We were able to save money on the parking and the Children's Zoo because we were there so early. We enjoyed the weather, the animals, the carousel ride, the train ride, and the ice cream! However, around 12:30pm, we had to head back to the hospital for our other appointment.

Mommy and Wade having fun at the Zoo.
Back at Children's, Wade had a 6-month follow-up appointment with his GI doctor. He explained the ultrasound results from that morning to us. They found some abnormalities with his liver and some fatty deposits on his pancreas--all to be expected since he has Shwachman Diamond Syndrome. They believe that this is all caused from SDS, but to be sure, they've ordered lab work that would test for any other metabolic disorder or mitochondrial disease that may also elevate liver enzymes and cause these abnormalities. In addition to the ultrasound results, I mentioned my concern with Wade's poor weight gain in the last three weeks (he only gained 2 oz in the last 3 weeks). However, the doctor and I both believe that since he has learned to walk, W is now burning more calories and that has been playing a part in his weight gain. So, it's not an immediate concern, but we will still do weekly weight checks. Lastly, I had to confront W's doctor about his rude nurse that is super condescending to me. I explained the several events in which she is unprofessional and I requested to see a different doctor so that I wouldn't have her as a nurse. He is going to speak with the director of the GI clinic to request a change.

Before leaving Children's, we tried getting W's blood drawn that the GI doctor ordered. However, the lab techs couldn't get a good vein (go figure!). So, we'll have to try again on Thursday when we go up to visit a Geneticist. So, after an early morning ultrasound, a trip the zoo, an appointment with the GI doctor, and getting poked in each arm, we finally headed home! What an exhausting day for all of us--but the zoo was definitely worth it!

1 comment:

  1. Those are always long and emotionally exhausting days. Hopefully you won't have to deal with other metabolic disorders or mito on top of SDS. One crappy disease is enough right? Hope he can put on some good weight soon.
