Here is an update on Wade's ear tubes. Ten days after surgery of getting the tubes in, Wade had a 15-month well-baby visit with his pediatrician. After looking in his ears, she confirms that his left ear tube is sitting at an angle and working it's way out. I was so shocked to know that this happened within 10 DAYS!!?!
Adam and I didn't get too excited about it since he hadn't had any ear infections since getting them in. We had our post-op appointment today with the ENT doctor in St. Louis. They performed a hearing test and luckily he did a lot better than before tubes. They asked me if I had noticed anything with the tubes and I explained to them what my pediatrician said. The Audiologist looked in his ear and confirmed that the tube was out of the eardrum and now just hanging out in the canal.
So, when we actually saw the ENT doctor, she looked in his ear and obviously saw the same thing everyone else has been seeing. So, she asked for a nurse to come in and help hold Wade down so they could extract it. The doctor was able to retrieve it in less than a minute. Of course Wade cried because he was being held down, but I wonder if it actually hurt inside his ear?
Now, we have to watch out for any ear infections in his left ear for the next 6 months before we see the ENT doctor again. If he starts getting ear infections--it's surgery time again. :(
But, the only good thing if he does need another tube in his left ear is that we've already reached our insurance's maximum out-of-pocket for 2012!