May 16, 2012

Kicking it Up a Notch

With the help of therapy, Wade is pretty much amazing for improving his skills in walking (even walking backwards) and squatting. He has also started to show more interest in half-tall kneeling and he has even went back in his development to master crawling and tummy time (the correct way)!

However, he is still low tone (especially in his stomach) and could be walking with better alignment. So, in order to correct these problems, the First Steps Program has ordered some therapy tools to assist him.

First, to correct his alignment, they ordered shoe inserts to help stabilize his feet and prevent him from walking on the insides of his feet. They hide inside his normal tennis shoes and we didn't have to buy any special shoes! Wade is a champ with the inserts because he has never complained or lost his balance with them.

In addition to the shoe inserts, Wade also has TheraTogs that he wears for 30 minutes a day. The TheraTogs are a stretchy outfit that is worn tight to the body so that it increases body awareness and helps improve Wade's tone and posture. Unfortunately, Wade doesn't like the TheraTogs as much as his shoe inserts. He is very whiny when wearing them so I usually try to let him play outside so he isn't focused on the unpleasantness of wearing the TheraTogs.

W unhappy about wearing his TheraTogs.